# Plan Subscription Schedule

Want to change a subscription but not right now? Schedule it at the end of the period? With this extension you can schedule your subscription plan changes.

# What it does

  • Plan Subscription is scheduled to change to another plan at a certain date in the future.
    • In this schedule you specify date and which service will be executed before the change.
    • You can also set a timeout and tries for the job.
  • A job is added in your app schedule
  • When the time comes, job batches all pending schedules and dispatches it.
    • Job will execute your defined service before plan change, if it succeeds, change will be done. If it fails, schedule will be flagged as failed.

# Usage

# Create schedule

You can schedule a change in your user subscription like this:

$date = Carbon::now()->add(15, 'day');

You can set other options like:

  • service(): References service name in config file.
  • timeout(): Timeout for the job that will launch the service.
  • tries(): Number of tries job will be attempted
$date = Carbon::now()->add(15, 'day');

# Schedules per subscription

You can set a limit of schedules per subscription in your config.

You can check if subscription has reached its limit on your subscription object with $subscription->reachedScheduleLimit().

You can also dynamically ignore the schedule limit with ignoreLimit(true|false) (defaults to true):


# Scopes

These are the scopes you can apply to your PlanSubscriptionSchedule model.

notProcessed() returns all unprocessed schedules (not having success or failure) in the past and in the future.

# Pending

pending() returns a list of schedules that have not been processed and are due to be processed. To define an ending date, use Carbon date as parameter to show pending until specified date. Default returns pending until now.

# Services

By default, the config file includes a default service for processing your plan change. This service it's a good starting point to see how it works. The default service is an empty service that will not perform any action or stop the plan change.

# How to make a service?

In the example DefaultScheduleService you can see the minimum requirements of a service.

Your own service has to implement interface PlanSubscriptionScheduleService and also use IsScheduleService trait. __construct accepts one parameter, the PlanSubscriptionSchedule Eloquent object of the subscription schedule.

The outcome to later change plan or not is defined by success property. By default is false, so your successful process has to set it to true. Any exception will stop the process.


namespace Bpuig\SubbySchedule\Services;

use Bpuig\SubbySchedule\Contracts\PlanSubscriptionScheduleService;
use Bpuig\SubbySchedule\Traits\IsScheduleService;

class DefaultScheduleService implements PlanSubscriptionScheduleService

    use IsScheduleService;

     * DefaultScheduleService constructor.
     * Save current Plan Subscription Schedule
     * @param $planSubscriptionSchedule
    public function __construct($planSubscriptionSchedule)
        $this->planSubscriptionSchedule = $planSubscriptionSchedule;

     * Execute the strategy
     * Since this is kind of a dummy process, set success to true
    public function execute()
        $this->success = true;
        $this->clearUsage = true;

# Jobs

To process the schedules you need to include the SubscriptionScheduleQueuerJob in your app schedule.

I recommend setting it without overlapping, since package allows to schedule multiple plan changes for the same subscription. In app/Console/Kernel.php:

protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)
    $schedule->job(new SubscriptionScheduleQueuerJob)->everyFiveMinutes()->withoutOverlapping();

This job will make a batch of jobs for pending subscription changes.

I recommend running first this job with a date parameter and then chain your regular subscription renewal job with said date parameter as end to avoid collision since a subscription can have same ends_at and scheduled_at dates. This order of events would prevent renewals before schedules, since after schedule is processed ends_at would have changed to next period.

Last Updated: 5/9/2021, 6:44:03 PM