# Laravel Subby

Laravel Subby is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel. Originally forked from rinvex/laravel-subscriptions (opens new window).

# What it does

The way this package is made, there are plans that have features , and then there is an entity receiving the trait of having subscriptions. It can be an user, a team, whatever you want; see Attach Subscriptions to model. This entity can be subscribed to one or more plans and use its features.

With the scheduling extra, you can schedule your plan changes in the future.

# Considerations

  • Payments and translations are out of scope for this package.
  • You may want to extend some core models, in case you need to override the logic behind some helper methods like renew(), cancel() etc. E.g.: when cancelling a subscription you may want to also cancel the recurring payment attached.

# Changelog

Refer to the Changelog for a full history of the project.

# License

Forked originally from rinvex/laravel-subscriptions (opens new window). Thank you for creating the original!

This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).

© 2020-2021 B. Puig, Some rights reserved.

Last Updated: 5/20/2021, 4:40:01 PM