# Plan Combination Model

With this model you define your plan combinations. You can have multiple prices and intervals per currency, country, etc.

# Create a Plan Combination

Combinations must be unique for country, currency, invoice_period and invoice_interval.

use Bpuig\Subby\Models\Plan;
use Bpuig\Subby\Models\PlanCombination;

$plan = Plan::getByTag('basic');

    'tag' => 'basic-es-eur-1-year',
    'country' => 'ESP',
    'currency' => 'EUR',
    'price' => 99.99,
    'invoice_period' => 1,
    'invoice_interval' => 'year',

# Get Plan Combination details

You can query the plan combination for further details as follows:

$planCombination = PlanCombination::find(1);

// Or querying by tag
$planCombination = PlanCombination::getByTag('basic-es-eur-1-year');

// Or do your own query
$plan = Plan::getByTag('basic');

$planCombination = $plan->combinations()->where('country', 'ESP')
                                        ->where('currency', 'EUR')
                                        ->where('invoice_period', 1)
                                        ->where('invoice_interval', 'year')

// Get parent plan                

# Subscribe to plan combination

See create a Subscription and use a PlanCombination instead of a Plan.

# Change subscription's plan to plan combination

See change its plan and use a PlanCombination instead of a Plan.

# Schedule subscription's plan change to plan combination

See create schedule and use a PlanCombination instead of a Plan.

Last Updated: 6/7/2022, 5:08:49 PM