# Laravel Subby

Laravel Subby is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel. Originally forked from rinvex/laravel-subscriptions (opens new window).

# What it does

The way this package is made:

  1. There are plans that have features
    1. These plans can have multiple combinations (country, currency, periods...).
  2. There is an entity (morph) receiving the trait HasSubscriptions (subscriptions). It can be a user, a team, whatever you want; see Attach Subscriptions to model.
  3. This entity can have many subscriptions to one or more plans and use their features and other features not attached to a plan. The subscription is made as a "snapshot" of current plan details. If plan is modified in the future, subscriber's subscription stays as it was, price, invoicing and features are "frozen" unless manually synchronized with related plan.

# Processing payments new in v6.0

Payment services are dispatched when renewal or schedule time has come. The package provides a "free" payment service, with no logic. You need to make your own services for your payment providers.

# Scheduling changes

With Schedule you can schedule one or multiple plan changes in a future date.

# Considerations

  • Translations are out of scope for this package.

# Changelog

Refer to the Releases (opens new window) for a changelog of the project.

# License

Forked originally from rinvex/laravel-subscriptions (opens new window). Thank you for creating the original!

This software is released under The MIT License (MIT).

© 2020-2023 B. Puig, Some rights reserved.

Last Updated: 2/19/2023, 5:43:04 PM